Virtualizing complex Linux systems

Network Block Devices

Network Block Devices (NBDs) have proved very useful because .vdi virtual hard disks are much easier to mount. The lines

modprobe nbd
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 <file.vdi>

create a block device that is available for external access for the tasks at hand. Now you need to create a filesystem with the partitioning shown in Listing 4.

Listing 4

NBD Partitioning


The former RAID system will not use any partitions but will be mounted directly below /var. The commands

mkfs.ext4 /dev/nbd0p1
mkswap /dev/nbd0p2

write the filesystem for / and swap; however, you only have part of an MBR, as the output from

dd if=/dev/nbd0 count=1 | xxd

proves (Figure 7). The 16 bytes for defining the root and swap partitions is underlined in black, followed by the terminating sequence 55aa.

Figure 7: Two partitions and the end of the MBR.

Three Mountpoints for Synchronization

Now you need three mountpoints for synchronization purposes: /tmp/d will act as the destination, and as sources 1 and 2, you will have /tmp/s1 and /tmp/s2  – you need to run mkdir to create them. You can mount the target partition by typing:

mount /dev/nbd0p1 /tmp/d

The source partitions are still hidden in the compressed images and need to be prepared. For this to happen, you need to convert the compressed images to EWF format – using xmount, of course. The RAW images are then located in the directories /ewf and /ewf1, which still need to be created:

xmount --in ewf --out dd image_source1.E* /ewf
xmount --in ewf --out dd image_source2.E* /ewf2

To mount the RAW images, you need the loop devices /dev/loop0 and /dev/loop1. Loop0 shows the 40GB disk in partition 1, and Loop1 shows the start of the striped set. Both partitions have the typical offset of 2048 sectors:

losetup -o $((2048*512)) /dev/loop0 /ewf/image_source1.dd
losetup -o $((2048*512)) /dev/loop1 /ewf2/image_source2.dd
mount /dev/loop0 /tmp/s1
mount /dev/loop1 /tmp/s2

Two Rsync commands join the partitions:

cd /tmp/d
rsync -av /tmp/s1/* .
cd /tmp/d/var
rsync -av /tmp/s2/* .

The only thing left to do is modify the fstab and grub.cfg files (Listing 5). Instead of a UUID-based configuration, you will probably want to work with /dev/sda<x>, because this facilitates the migration. If you prefer the UUID, you need to create these devices manually.Additionally, you will want to clean up this temporary solution in grub.cfg after completing the virtualization, according to details you will find in the GRUB manual, but the current setup should work for the initial boot.

Listing 5

/etc/fstab and grub.cfg



The final task is to create the new MBR. Again, you need to type the code shown in Listing 6 outside of the VDI using the NBD device in a chroot environment.

Listing 6

Creating a New MBR


Figure 8 shows that the MBR was successfully written and correctly populated with information. Before the first boot, admins who like to keep things tidy will want to clean up with:

umount /tmp/d/proc
umount /tmp/d/sys
umount /tmp/d/dev
umount /tmp/d/
qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
Figure 8: More information now resides in the 512 bytes of the MBR.

Nothing can now prevent a successful boot with the virtualized system. If you have disks that were mirrored on hardware controllers – and provided the mirror was in a synchronized state – you only need to restore one disk. You can convert it to .dd format with Xmount. Sigfind provides the offset to the translated MBR, and you can then run losetup,

losetup -o $(((1024+2048)*512)) /dev/loop0 image.dd

to create a loopback device with an MBR offset of 1024, and the beginning of the first partition at sector 2048, where you can then mount it.


  1. VirtualBox:
  2. VDI format:
  3. OVA format:
  4. "Investigating Windows Systems" by Hans-Peter Merkel and Markus Feilner, Linux Pro Magazine, Issue 93, August 2008, pg. 34:
  5. MBR:

The Author

Hans-Peter Merkel has focused on data forensics for many years in the open source community. He trains employees of law enforcement agencies in Europe, Asia, and Africa and is a founding member and chairman of FreiOSS and Linux4Afrika!.

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