Test LibreOffice automatically

Signs of Life at the Office

© Lead Image © Alexander Zelnitskiy, 123RF.com

© Lead Image © Alexander Zelnitskiy, 123RF.com

Article from Issue 187/2016

Companies that depend on LibreOffice have a reason to wonder whether the office suite is working on all systems. You can use Python and the LibreOffice API to check.

A reliable office suite is one of the key applications in many environments, so users will quickly notice if the suite won't start or individual functions fail after an update. However, it's not just after an Office update that the heart of modern offices can stumble – renewal of operating system components also appears to be a point where established workflows experience issues.

If your network uses a specific set of templates, macros, and forms again and again, in practice, it is enough to at least test the key documents once before rolling out the update in all departments.

Automating the Test

What is even more helpful than the test itself is its automation – at least for administrators. Given that manually clicking through the various types of documents before each update is both boring and error-prone.

LibreOffice offers a whole range of options to control the software via the application API via script. The most common variant is probably to control it using macros from LibreOffice itself (also thank to other known Office suites). The Office suites for writing these macros may usually offer a basic dialect, but – after performing a little setup work – LibreOffice also lets you formulate these macros in Python.

LibreOffice can be controlled just as well remotely – such as from an external process or from a Python script. The same access to the LibreOffice API is available as in the macro environment.

Administrators therefore have the option to test LibreOffice on a network computer without having to open or manually operate LibreOffice. This means, for example, that admins can run a quick automated check before rolling out a new version to make sure LibreOffice will continue to work as desired after the update.

Administrators or developers can also use the same method to conveniently automate document processes, to create form letters or PDF documents, to address LibreOffice behind a web front end, or much more.

The Games Begin

The first step in setting up LibreOffice testing is to install the libreoffice-script-provider-python package. However, this package is essentially a meta package that mainly deals with ensuring LibreOffice and the Python package python3-uno are installed.

On distributions where there is no package called libreoffice-script-provider-python, it should be enough to install the LibreOffice packages and the python-uno, python3-uno, or python2-uno package – depending on the Python version used. The script developed here is based on Python 3.

On Mac OS X, the LibreOffice package contains its own Python interpreter under /Applications/LibreOffice.app/Contents/MacOS/python. It also has the uno package, meaning you can start with scripting on Mac OS X right away.

The Python interpreter certainly readily informs you if access to the LibreOffice interface is possible. The >>> import uno import must not fail after starting using the command python3 or under Mac OS /Applications/LibreOffice.app/Contents/MacOS/python.

If this Python line returns an Import Error, either the uno package is missing or it is not in the expected path for Python libraries. However, if Python is able to import the package, there should be no problem accessing LibreOffice.

Stimulating LibreOffice

Before you can control LibreOffice remotely, you need to restart the application and prompt it to listen to remote commands. The soffice binary needs the slightly elongated option for this:


The option value indicates what LibreOffice is doing now. The application then accepts (accept=...) incoming requests on the open socket (socket) listening to port 8100 (port=8100) – at least, when the requests come from its own computer (host=localhost).

The tcpNoDelay=1 option is recommended for sending network packages immediately – even those with minimal amounts of data. Many remote control commands for LibreOffice are very short, and you'll want an immediate response. Without tcpNoDelay=1, the network layer waits to see whether yet more data needs to be sent via the connection.

The final addition urp; signalizes to LibreOffice that the communication should use UNO Remote Protocol. This is the standard protocol used by LibreOffice for communication. UN stands for "Universal Network Object" and corresponds to the name of the Python package that you initially needs to install to give Python the opportunity to communicate with LibreOffice.

In addition to the open port, it is a good idea to use the --headless option to get LibreOffice to dispense with all displays when starting the application and not to allow any further user input. This means it is only possible to control the application using the open port and it responds more quickly to the script commands. However, if you make changes to the script, you should comment out this option for logical reasons.

Then you can observe what exactly LibreOffice does. The complete call looks like this:

soffice '--accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;' --headless

The accept option on the shell belongs in single quotes so that the semicolons are passed on to LibreOffice uninterpreted.

As it would be inconvenient to start LibreOffice manually before a test run, there is nothing to prevent the Office application being opened from the Python script. That is what lines 13 to 27 from Listing 1 do. The parameters from the socket connections are stored in the script in the SOCKET variable because, on one hand, these values are passed to LibreOffice as an option at start up and, on the other, are also required if the script is supposed to establish the connection to the LibreOffice Socket.

Listing 1

Controlling LibreOffice Remotely

001 import filecmp
002 import sys
003 import uno
004 from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue
005 from com.sun.star.connection import NoConnectException
006 from glob import glob
007 from os import mkdir, path
008 from shutil import rmtree
009 from subprocess import Popen
010 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
011 from time import sleep
013 SOCKET = 'socket,host=localhost,port=8100,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;'
014 exitCode = 0
016 # Starting LibreOffice
017 try:
018     app = Popen([
019        '/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice',
020         '--headless',
021         '--accept=' + SOCKET
022     ])
023 except Exception as e:
024     raise Exception("It was not possible to start LibreOffice: %s" % e.message)
026 if app.pid <= 0:
027     raise Exception('It was not possible to start LibreOffice!')
029 # Establishing the connection to LibreOffice
030 context = uno.getComponentContext()
031 resolver = context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
032     'com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver',
033     context
034 )
036 n = 0
037 while n < 12:
038     try:
039         context = resolver.resolve(
040             'uno:' + SOCKET + 'StarOffice.ComponentContext'
041         )
042         break
043     except NoConnectException:
044         pass
045     sleep(0.5)
046     n += 1
048 desktop = context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
049     'com.sun.star.frame.Desktop',
050     context
051 )
053 if not (desktop):
054     raise Exception('It was not possible to generate the LibreOffice desktop!')
056 # LibreOffice is controlled via the connection from here
058 # Inital "Hello world" test
059 document = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(
060     'private:factory/swriter',
061     '_blank',
062     0,
063     ()
064 )
065 cursor = document.Text.createTextCursor()
066 cursor.ParaStyleName = 'Heading 1'
067 document.Text.insertString(cursor, 'Hello world!', 0)
069 txtFile = NamedTemporaryFile('w+', encoding='utf-8-sig')
071 textFilter = PropertyValue()
072 textFilter.Name = 'FilterName'
073 textFilter.Value = 'Text'
075 document.storeToURL('file://' + txtFile.name, (textFilter,))
077 text = txtFile.read()
078 if (text != 'Hello world!\n'):
079     print("FAIL: \"Hello world\"-test failed! The result was: %s" % text)
080     exitCode = 1
081 else:
082     print('OK: "Hello world!" is exported as expected.')
084 document.close(False)
086 # Preparing the test and result folder
087 if sys.argv[1] and path.isdir(sys.argv[1]):
088     testdir = path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
089     resultdir = path.join(testdir, 'Result_files')
090     if path.isdir(resultdir):
091         rmtree(resultdir)
092     mkdir(resultdir, 0o700)
094     # Run through of the test documents
095     pdfFilter = PropertyValue()
096     pdfFilter.Name = 'FilterName'
097     pdfFilter.Value = 'writer_pdf_Export'
099     testfiles = glob(path.join(testdir, 'Test_*'))
100     for testfile in testfiles:
102         document = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(
103             'file://' + testfile,
104             '_blank',
105             0,
106             ()
107         )
109         resultFile =  path.basename(testfile)[5:-4]
111         fullPath = 'file://' + path.join(resultdir, 'PDF_' + resultFile + '.pdf')
112         document.storeToURL(fullPath, (pdfFilter,))
114         textResultFile = path.join(resultdir, 'Text_' + resultFile + '.txt')
115         fullPath = 'file://' + textResultFile
116         document.storeToURL(fullPath, (textFilter,))
118         expectationFile = path.join(testdir, 'Text_' + resultFile + '.txt')
119         if (path.isfile(expectationFile)):
120             if filecmp.cmp(textResultFile, expectationFile, False):
121                 print("OK: File %s is exported as expected." % testfile)
122             else:
123                 print("FAIL: File %s is not exported as expected!" % testfile)
124                 exitCode = 1
125         else:
126             print("--: No comparison file for %s." % testfile)
127         document.close(False)
130 # Closing LibreOffice
131 desktop.terminate()
133 sleep(2)
135 app.wait()
137 sys.exit(exitCode)

Ultimately, the Python script doesn't run anything at the start other than the soffice call described above from the command line. The script uses the subprocess.Popen class for this in line 18. And, soffice responds itself with the full path.

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