Create your own Linux distribution

Step by Step

To build in individualized AryaLinux, download the Builder DVD from the project site and transfer the image to an optical disc or a USB flash drive; then, start the operating system from the medium.

If not already automatically enabled, set up an Internet connection, because AryaLinux first updates the existing scripts. Next, switch to a terminal and type the following command sequence:

$ sudo su
# cd
# cd scripts
# ./

The routine now updates the existing scripts and asks about localization requirements. You can choose from English or Italian. The software lists the existing mass storage devices and prompts for the name of the device on which you want to install the build system.

The routine displays the partitions on this disk. You need to partition the corresponding mass storage device with a suitable partition table before you launch AryaLinux, because the system itself has no tools to accomplish the task. Now the software prompts you to identify the root, home, and swap partitions for the build system before asking you to define a hostname and the basic credentials for a user account.

In the next step, you define the locale. For U.S. English, for example, you enter en_US. utf8 followed by your choice of paper size (e.g., A4), time zone, and the corresponding country; the routine provides preconfigured lists. After this dialog, the tool prepares the target partitions accordingly.

Calling the ./ script and running the exit command, temporarily changes the root directory, builds the toolchain, and populates the target partition with some essential files and directories. Next, enter the resume command at the prompt, and start the third script with the command ./ when prompted to do so. After entering exit twice, you finally end the subprocesses and seal off the root directory.

To create the kernel, change to the source directory (cd /sources) and call ./, the fourth script, which creates the kernel. You are asked for a root password and some personal details relating to the administrator. The routine then loads and installs more system software. Exit the script again, when prompted to do so, by typing exit.

The last step for the routine is to configure the bootloader. If you see no selection option for the new system in the GRUB menu on reboot, allow the system to start up and then configure the bootloader manually by entering the command

# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

at the prompt. You can now complete and tweak the new system as desired.


You can add a graphical user interface to any customized system by generating it from the source, so you should use the Builder DVD to set up a desktop environment, as well.

The developers provide detailed instructions for integrating Plasma 5 or the lightweight LXQt desktop online [3], where they also explain how you can build a complete LAMP system as the basis for other services.

Scripts for additional desktop environments are under development but not yet operational. Thus, although you can call several scripts to install the LXDE, LXQt, and Gnome desktops in the prefabricated AryaLinux variants, they all produce error messages because of missing dependencies.

If you need assistance with various problems, you can turn to the AryaLinux Forum [4], which the developers conscientiously support and which enjoys great popularity.


The Builder version of AryaLinux is a great resource for advanced users who want to install an operating system from the sources themselves. Users who need only a few standard applications and are looking for a lean, attractive desktop should also take a look at the prefabricated AryaLinux versions. Because the system is still very young and experimental, it does fail in some areas, but dedicated users can make a valuable contribution by adding their knowledge and experiences to the development work.

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