GPU analyzer


Many tools can help when analyzing your system, but many of these have a focus on your CPU, mainboard, or storage. Not many look at your graphics hardware specifically, possibly because, until recently, many Linux users didn't need a powerful graphics accelerator outside of machine learning and didn't need to see whether their current one was performing adequately. Graphics capabilities were simply judged on the size and resolutions of the displays they could drive. But the popularity of Linux gaming is changing that; PC gamers are fastidious about their systems' performance and capabilities. If you want to know everything about your system's graphics hardware, there isn't a single way to survey the multifaceted APIs most hardware now support – until GPU-Viewer.

For anyone with a decent GPU, GPU-Viewer shows your GPU's capabilities and how much of them have been recognized and are accessible by your system. GPU-Viewer is a clever combination of preexisting tools, including glxinfo, Vulkaninfo, and clinfo, with healthy doses of grep, cat, and awk to parse the data, and a GTK+3 GUI. Looking through the GUI, you can't tell this data has sometimes humble and disparate roots, because it's so overwhelmingly comprehensive. Five large buttons at the top let you switch between the five main views, showing your hardware's compatibility with Vulkan, OpenGL, OpenCL, and encoder and decoder support, followed by an About page. Every page is full of information, from the device and driver versions, to the available memory and the exact capability of every system call. The OpenCL page will tell you if a compiler is available, and the OpenGL page will even let you switch between OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and EGL for the broadest possible hardware compatibility.

Project Website

If you've been unable to upgrade your GPU because of the chip crisis, spend your time studying your current hardware instead.

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