DIY Read It Later Replacement with Save to Google Drive

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Jul 20, 2015 GMT
Dmitri Popov

Saving web pages as MHTML web archives is decidedly old school, but this approach has its advantages compared to using services like Framabag, Pocket, Instapaper et al. An MHTML file neatly packs the web page and all its resources in a single file, preserving the original formatting.

Both Mozilla and Chrome/Chromium let you save pages as MHTML archives locally, but what if you want to be able to access saved pages from other devices? The Save to Google Drive extension provides one possible solution to the problem and streamlines the process of saving web pages. As the name suggests, the extension makes it possible to save the currently opened web page as an MHTML archive to a specified folder on Google Drive. Once installed and configured, a single click on the extension's button converts the page to a web archive and saves it in the destination folder. This way, all MHTML files become available on all devices that can access Google Drive. When you try to open an MHTML archive directly from Google Drive in Chrome or Chromium, the service prompts you to enable an app for viewing it. Install the app, and you can view MHTML files in the browser. Of course, if you don't want to give a third-party app access to your Google Drive account, you can download the desired MHTML file and then open it in the browser.

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