Monitor Raspberry Pi with RPi-Monitor

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Jun 28, 2013 GMT
Dmitri Popov

When it comes to keeping an eye on your Raspberry Pi server, you have several tools to choose from, including RPi-Monitor. This simple application can give you a quick overview of the key info, such as CPU load, memory and storage usage, network activity, temperature, and uptime.

RPi-Monitor is distributed as a regular DEB package, and deploying it on Rasberry Pi requires only a few simple steps. First, install the required packages using the following command:

sudo apt-get install librrds-perl libhttp-daemon-perl libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl

Next, grab the latest .deb package from and install it using the sudo dpkg -i rpimonitor_x.x-x_all.deb command. Run then the sudo apt-get update && sudo service rpimonitor update command to update RPi-Monitor. Once you've done that, point your browser to (replace with the actual IP address or domain name of the Raspberry Pi server), hit the Start button, and you should see RPi-Monitor's interface in all its glory.


Besides the basic info in the Status section, RPi-Monitor displays monitored resources as graphs in the Statistics section. The clever part is that you can add custom resources to RPi-Monitor. For example, you can configure RPi-Monitor to monitor the disk usage of an external hard disk and display the collected data as a graph. The Advance usage and customization article provides a description of how to do that, along with a handful of other useful tricks.

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