Firefox 122 Release Includes Official DEB for Ubuntu Distros

Jan 24, 2024

Finally, Mozilla has returned to Ubuntu's/Debian's roots to offer an official DEB package for those who prefer to not use the Snap package.

Firefox 122 has arrived and, to the relief of many Debian and Ubuntu users, it comes with an official DEB installer.

With this release, you can now install Firefox via DEB, Snap, Flatpak, or run it from source. To install Firefox via DEB, you'll need to follow the instructions found on this support page.

According to Mozilla, the benefits of installing via DEB include native packaging can do some things the sandboxed version can't, packages 100% built and supported by Mozilla, compiler-based optimizations for improved performance, and faster updates.

Even with these benefits, Mozilla still recommends using the Firefox provided by their distribution's package manager.

But what else is found in Firefox 122? Firefox now displays images and descriptions for search suggestions (when provided by a search engine) and has an improved translation feature.

In addition, MDN Web Docs article suggestions will now be available in the address bar for web-dev related information, line-breaking rules for Web content now match Unicode standards, and more.

Although this isn't a huge release from Mozilla, it is an important one for Debian/Ubuntu users.

Read more on why Mozilla believes you should try the Firefox Linux package for Ubuntu and Debian here.


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