Fixstars Adopts Yellow Dog Linux

Nov 12, 2008

Japanese company Fixstars Corporation, specializing in Cell/B.E. technology, has acquired Terra Software Solutions to add Yellow Dog Linux to its portfolio.

The Yellow Dog distro is partly based on PowerPC architecture, which was also in the Terra Software plan ever since IBM brought its cell processor to market. Linux runs on Playstation 3, which is outfitted with the processor.

With the acquisition, Fixstars claims to provide the only Linux system on the market, Yellow Dog, that supports products using the Cell Broadband Engine. According to CEO Satoshi Miki, the company can now happily optimize Cell/B.E. applications by providing the necessary middleware, Yellow Dog Linux anYello Dog Linux and hardware.

Fixstars has turned the acquisition into a U.S. subsidiary named Fixstars Solutions. Terra Software's former CEO, Kai Staats, assumed the position there as COO.

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