Ubuntu Makes Lubuntu Official Derivative

May 11, 2011

Lubuntu now officially supported Ubuntu derivative.

It's official: Lubuntu is an official Ubuntu derivative. In a UDS session in Budapest, Colin Watson and Mark Shuttleworth clarified the details with project member Julien Lavergne. There are still no ISO and packages on the official Ubuntu site, but Lavergne will announce on the Ubuntu project development mailing list when the application is in the official repositories and there is an installable image. Lubuntu 11.10 will be the first officially supported version of the derivate.

Lavergne is pleased with the decision. He and his colleagues hope to gain greater visibility for Lubuntu with the help of Canonical.

Lubuntu is mainly geared toward low-memory computers, such as the Pentium II, which packs a mere 128MB of RAM. The LXDE desktop lacks some features, but it does not require much in terms of resources. Lubuntu uses PCManFM as a file manager, the Chromium browser, and the Sylpheed email client.

Julien Lavergne of Lubuntu

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  • Lunbuntu

    To reader:

    I understand your analogy with Windows and Mac and can see how confusing it can be at first. Many people still look at computers with amazement and wonder. I prefer to know I can switch between these "distros and derivatives" as I want to. I like the great variety and can see how others put together their flavor while adding my own changes and sharing them with others. The different ways Linux can be put together isn't daunting.

    Whenever I explain, "Why so many different kinds of Linux? Aren't they all the same?" I use the food analogy. "Why do you like this dish? This kind of analogy usually helps as it seems everybody has some dish they prefer over some other. Spices can make or brake the meal but, why would someone want to eat the same thing all the time and never change it?

    Would anyone like a beer?
  • lUbuntu

    'Bout time. Been hearing of this for at least a year (forever in linux time). Great job guys!
  • Lubuntu

    My comment is Why? Why bother with 12 year technology and why build all of these derivatives. If Linux is so strong with being able to run mutliple versions on a single machine, just have downgraded versions of the same distro based on the hardware it is being installed on - it already does that somewhat by downgrading Unity to Gnome if you don't have a proper video controller. If you want to make Linux mainstream - you have to STREAMLINE and having all these distros and derivatives just makes it too confusing for the average user to latch onto. Stop being geeky, and collaborate on one common powerful distro that is customizable for the user based on their preferences and hardware. For example just keep the name Ubuntu and give the user installed feature options based on the identified hardware at the time of installation and be done with it.

    Do you think windows XP or Windows 7 would be the top OS if there was Windows Lite, Kinda-sort-like-Windows, UberWindows, JustAnother Window, My First Window, BrokenWindows, Non-MS Windows, Microsoft, and a dozen other names for Windows. Consumers, would be utterly confused which one to use.

    Same could apply to Apple's OS. if there were multiple flavors of MacOS or MacOS lite, or alternative MacOS, I'm-really-not-riding-the-unix-train-MacOS, Just-Another-pretty-face-ontopof-Unix-MacOS, We-couldn't-build-our-own-OS-so-we-hopped-the-unix-train-MacOS, etc, etc, etc. Apple wouldn't be as popular as it is now because users would be confused.

  • lubuntu

    glad to hear lubuntu's official now
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