Linux Professional Institute

Fixing broken packages in Debian systems

LINUXUSER: Package Repair free

The sys admin's daily grind – httpstat

IN-DEPTH: My Point of View free

Security audits with Lynis

IN-DEPTH: Auditor free

The sys admin's daily grind – Searx

IN-DEPTH: Peppered with Hits free

Paperwork battles the increasing stacks of paper

LINUXUSER: Paperless free

systemd-networkd — Network configuration

FEATURES: Network Daemon free

The sys admin's daily grind: iWatch

FEATURES: In a Minute free

Sunflower – A small, highly configurable file manager

LINUXUSER: Sunrise free

DNS logging and tools

FEATURES: Data Retention free

Android Admin Tools

Linux Remote Administration on Android and iOS


Smartphones and tablets have lost their gadget status and become part of the system administrator’s tool kit. We look at the most important apps for admins.