A command-line task manager

More Efficient Typing

If you want to manage many tasks regularly in Bash with dstask, the work can be accelerated significantly by using an alias or script. You can create an alias, for example, using alias t=dstask. With this alias, you now just need to type t instead of dstask, which could save some typing.

You can also use a script. You'll find a .dstask-bash-completions.sh file on dstask's GitHub page. If you run this by typing

source .dstask-bash-completions.sh

you will find that Bash now knows all the dstask parameters and automatically completes them when you press the Tab key.

However, this only works if you have moved dstask to /usr/local/bin/ or another appropriate location in $PATH. To avoid having to repeatedly type the command discussed here, you might want to add it to your ~/.bashrc file.

If you want to set up autocompletion in Zsh, use the .dstask-zsh-completions.sh script from the GitHub page.


Dstask quickly manages all your pending tasks at the command line. If you frequently manage your system at the keyboard in a terminal window, you can particularly benefit from this approach to task management. The range of functions is fine for everyday use, but it does not come close to replacing a full-fledged task manager.

Having said this, the developer does plan to add support for sub-tasks and advanced project management in future releases. For example, you will be able to assign deadlines for tasks. The documentation is currently limited to the online help retrieved by dstask help. If you append an action such as add to this command, you will see a detailed description for the respective command only.

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