Path Free for Python with Qt and AMD's OpenCL

Aug 20, 2009

The PySide LPGL Python binding for Qt is new and the Python::OpenCL wrapper now runs with AMD's ATI Stream SDK.

The Qt-Python bindings might not be 100% stable, say the PySide project developers, but it's in a usable shape -- "especially if you can tolerate an occasional rough edge and unpainted surface," as they put it in their announcement. Along with the Qt bindings, PySide provides automated binding generation tools. It thus not only targets Qt developers in the narrow sense, but is also applicable for other Qt-based or more general C++ bindings.

Elsewhere a developer announced Python wrappers for the OpenCL libraries, as Python::OpenCL 2.0. He totally reimplemented the Cython C extension for better performance, he wrote on SourceForge. Plus, he added AMD's ATI Stream technology to the list of supported OpenCL platforms. Until now only the GPUs from NVIDIA were included.

PySide is Nokia's baby and its new project lead is at Nokia. The others on the project page are at Open Bossa, a spinoff of the Brazilian Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia (INdT). LGPL is an open source license for libraries whose external applications might use proprietary software.

The Python wrapper developer is not as easily identifiable. The project page might include some guidance, but there are no release notes. Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is for parallel programming projects that get their power from CPUs and GPUs. A short time ago AMD announced that OpenCL was integrated into its ATI Stream technology.

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