CentOS GNU/ Linux and the enterprise difference
The stability and longevity of an enterprise Linux distribution costs big money – or does it?
The Community ENTerprise Operating System, also known as CentOS [1], is a free alternative to the high cost enterprise systems provided by companies like Red Hat, Suse, and Mandriva. We asked a CentOS lead developer to tell us what makes CentOS different. What is an Enterprise Operating System? An enterprise operating system is not designed for people looking for the “latest and greatest” software with bleeding edge graphics, the newest kernels, lots of games, and other new bells and whistles. Plenty of GNU/ Linux distributions fit the bill of “latest and greatest.” These distributions are released about every 6 months and normally require a constant state of upgrade because support gradually disappears when a new version is released. These “latest and greatest” distributions generally have a release cycle of 6 months and a support-cycle of 12-18 months.
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