Exploring the TiddlyWiki personal wiki


Article from Issue 73/2006

TiddlyWiki brings the spirit of the new Internet to a tiny scale. We’ll show you how to get organized with this wiki for one.

Sometimes you come across a piece of software that is so simple and useful that you can’t understand how you managed without it. TiddlyWiki is one such application. On the face of it, TiddlyWiki looks and behaves like a conventional wiki, but if you dig deeper, you will discover that it is a rather ingenious application. One of the most powerful things about wikis is that they let you create and edit web pages on the fly. Most Wikis start with a single page; you can add new pages using what are called wiki words (often wiki words are written in camel case like this: WikiWord). When you add a wiki word to the text, the wiki turns it into a link, and once you click the link, the system creates a new page. The beauty of a wiki is that it frees you from the most tedious task: managing your website’s structure. Moreover, since most wikis use a simple markup language, they are perfectly suited for casual users with no knowledge of HTML.

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