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We included a description of the Fedora customization tools with the Fedora 7 DVD pages in our August 2007 issue. We also ran a full article on livecd-creator and Revisor in our December 2007 issue, which is currently available as a PDF file on our website: http://www.linux-magazine.com/issues/2007/85/original_spin.
We agree that the Fedora distro-building tools are as important as the other tools discussed in the March 2008 issue. We didn't include the Fedora tools in March because we had just covered them in December.
This brings up an important point about our cover stories. The Cover Story section of the magazine typically includes several articles on a single subject of interest to our readers. Although we make an effort to highlight multiple facets and viewpoints, we can't cover everything. For instance, next month's cover story on Security will have several in-depth articles, but it won't cover all aspects of security. Sometimes even if we try to cover a specific topic, the author might miss a deadline or we simply run out of space. We consider our Know-How, Sysadmin, Programming, and LinuxUser sections just as important as our Cover Story section, and our goal is to report on worthy tools like Revisor and livecd-creator as the information becomes available. Timeliness is more significant to us than the arbitrary deadlines of our editorial calendar.
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