On the DVD

On the DVD

Article from Issue 156/2013

This month's DVD features two great distributions, Fedora 19 Security Spin and Kali Linux.

On the DVD

Fedora 19 Security Spin, 64-bit

The Fedora 19 Security Spin [1] is meant to provide "a safe test environment to work on security auditing, forensics, system rescue, and teaching security testing methodologies." The Security Spin uses the lightweight LXDE desktop with a customized menu containing all the tools you'll need to perform security testing or to rescue compromised systems. Run from a Live disc or from a USB stick, Fedora's Security Lab sets up a safe environment for your tests.

Kali Linux 1.0.4, 64-bit

BackTrack Linux has been reborn as Kali Linux, "The most advanced penetration testing distribution, ever" [4]. Kali has transformed from a Live Linux distro to an installed distro and has moved from an Ubuntu to a Debian basis, with the lightweight Xfce desktop, if you prefer a GUI. This move gives Kali access to the exceptional Debian repositories. Now a Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)-compliant system, Kali lets you start any application anywhere, rather than navigating through /pentest. The Offensive Security team is putting extra effort into making sure their tools are Debian compliant and completely up to date.

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  1. Fedora Security Spin: http://spins.fedoraproject.org/security/
  2. Fedora downloads: http://spins.fedoraproject.org/security/#downloads
  3. Fedora forums: http://www.fedoraforum.org/
  4. Kali Linux: http://www.kali.org/
  5. Kali Linux downloads: http://www.kali.org/downloads/
  6. Kali Linux documentation: http://docs.kali.org/

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