Mastering Taskwarrior

Bringing Taskwarrior to the Web

Although Taskwarrior is a command-line tool, you can add a web front end to it courtesy of TaskwarriorWeb [2]. This Ruby-based application turns Taskwarrior into a full-fledged web application that you can host on your own server (Figure 2). To deploy Taskwarrior, you need to install the Ruby and Ruby Gems software (version 1.9 or higher) on your system. Once you've done that, deploying TaskwarriorWeb is a matter of running the gem install taskwarrior-web command as root and then launching the server with task-web. By default, the application runs on port 5678, so you can access TaskwarriorWeb by pointing the browser to http://<>:5678 (replace <> with your server's IP address or domain name).

Figure 2: TaskwarriorWeb adds a web interface to Taskwarrior.

TaskwarriorWeb offers only a subset of Taskwarrior's functionality, so the web application is straightforward in use. TaskwarriorWeb's interface is split into two sections: Tasks and Projects. The former is used to manage all tasks, whereas the latter lets you work with projects. More importantly, TaskwarriorWeb uses Taskwarrior as its back end, so everything you do in the web application is stored in Taskwarrior, and vice versa. Thus, you can use TaskwarriorWeb to access and manage tasks when you are out and about and use Taskwarrior itself when you are back at your machine.

Final Word

In this day and age, command-line task managers like Taskwarrior may seem like an anachronism, but behind Taskwarrior's command-line interface hides a powerful and flexible tool that can help you keep tabs on your tasks with utmost efficiency. If you want to bring the venerable task manager to the web, TaskwarriorWeb lets you do so with a minimum of effort.

The Author

Dmitri Popov has been writing exclusively about Linux and open source software for many years, and his articles have appeared in Danish, British, US, German, Spanish, and Russian magazines and websites. Dmitri is an amateur photographer, and he writes about open source photography tools on his Scribbles and Snaps blog at

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