Self-organization with Getting Things Gnome

To-Do List

Article from Issue 198/2017

Getting Things Gnome helps with getting things done. Users can enter outstanding tasks and assign keywords and completion dates to their task lists in the foreground.

Getting Things Done (GTD) [1] is a self-organization method developed by David Allen. The GTD approach is based on the theory that trying to maintain a complex task list in your head takes a toll on concentration. The idea is to move task tracking out of the mind and put it in the hands of a trusted external system. The system tracks the tasks so the user can focus on solving and completing the problems.

According to the GTD approach, everything you deal with – be it an article you are interested in, the tax return you need to submit, or a birthday party you are planning – passes through the GTD system and is processed according to specific criteria that help you stay organized.

The system works both with physical objects (e.g., a pen and paper, an inbox that is a real box, and a physical filing system) and with digital objects. Various applications let you implement the GTD system. One handy and free program that helps with GTD is Getting Things Gnome (GTG).


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