GameHub displays all your games in a single interface
Most computer owners have long since stopped buying games in a cardboard box with floppy disks, CDs, or a DVD including a booklet and other goodies. Usually you log on to an online sales platform for games, such as Steam, acquire a license via the portal, and then download the game off the Internet. These portals are very popular, despite the drawbacks. For example, Steam has for years prevented honestly bought Steam games from being resold as used games, as you could do with a game purchased in a box – although that policy has recently been challenged in the EU [1].
Another disadvantage with purchasing games online is the difficulty of keeping track of all the titles in your collection. In addition to Steam [2], there is GOG (formerly Good Old Games) [3], and the Humble platform [4], which in the past has enjoyed massive success with cheap Humble Bundles advertised on social media channels. Both alternatives offer the advantage that, unlike Steam, they do without DRM measures. However, if you buy your games over the various platforms, you have to check in to the individual portals time and time again to install them.
One Front End for All
GameHub is open source software [5] that integrates the three large gaming portals in a single interface. You can also use it to organize manually installed games, as well as old Windows games that can be run in Wine (see the "Proton and Wine" box) and games designed for a variety of old platforms (see the "Emulators" box).
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