Offline calendar


It's easy to take the humble calendar application for granted. It performs a simple and well understood task that has been with us since at least AT&T UNIX System V, when the cal command first appeared. Since then, the Internet and online services have obviously transformed what was once useful for simply tracking birthdays into something that tracks your entire life and your interactions with other people (or more accurately, their calendars). But its core function remains the same: to clearly show the current month, what day it is, and what appointments you have in the coming days. And because this simple function is so invaluable, there should be plenty of opportunity for developers to experiment with the format, the presentation, and the potential of their own calendar applications. This is what Kalendar is hoping to provide.

Despite its name, Kalendar is not an official part of the KDE Plasma desktop, and Plasma already has an excellent calendar application of its own. Kalendar is also limited in that it only works offline and doesn't support any form of online synchronization. This is also its greatest feature, because it forces you to disconnect from the distraction of constant online updates, and you can import events from an ICAL file. The heart of the UI is a clear view of the current month where you click on a day to create an event. Events can be categorized and colored accordingly, and they can also be switched into a "to-do," turning the event into a deadline. With one or two more clicks, you can also make an event monthly or yearly, automatically populating all future months. Drag across multiple days to create an event or to-do that can span that duration. It works brilliantly and is a refreshing change from the constantly nagging online versions.

Project Website

Everything in Kalendar is stored in an SQLite database. You can easily create more calendars and switch between them with the Calendars menu.

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