Managing and monitoring computer labs

A Closer Look

Sometimes the size of the client thumbnails displayed on a server computer makes it difficult for a teacher to see what's happening on a student's screen. A slider at the bottom right of the program window (Figure 5) lets you continuously zoom in and out on the right pane of the program window containing the client thumbnails, while leaving the buttonbar, menubar, and Groups pane on the left untouched.

Figure 5: The client thumbnails can be continuously zoomed in or out.


Epoptes offers a comprehensive approach to controlling and managing a Linux-based computer lab. Teachers don't need to read long manuals to handle the configuration and administration. Epoptes can be set up on the server and client computers in just a few steps and then put into operation immediately because using Epoptes is largely intuitive. The range of functions covers all requirements that may arise in the school computer lab setting, without any unnecessary bells and whistles in the user interface. As a result, Epoptes offers a serious alternative to expensive commercial packages.

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