Distributed programming made easy with Elixir

Getting Records from Mnesia

Unfortunately, Mnesia does not support SQL syntax, but it does support some basic filters like dirty_match_object (Listing 5).

Listing 5

Getting Records

iex> # Get all the records, use :_ for "all", add a sort at the end
iex> :mnesia.dirty_match_object({Pi3, :_ ,:_})  |> Enum.sort
  {Pi3, 0, '0'},
  {Pi3, 1, '0'},
  {Pi3, 2, '1'},
iex> # Get only Pi Values that are '1'
iex> :mnesia.dirty_match_object({Pi3, :_ ,'1'})  |> Enum.sort
  {Pi3, 2, '1'}

A dialog from a zenity --list command can display table output in columns (Figure 8). The last argument in the command is the data string, which fills in the defined columns. The --extra-button option returns the button text when the button is pressed.

Figure 8: A Zenity list in Bash.

The script in Listing 6 (Show_gpio.exs) reads the Mnesia results. As in the earlier example, Enum.map and Enum.join functions format the results as one long string for a Zenity list dialog (Figure 9).

Listing 6


01 #-------------------
02 # Show_Show_gpio.exs - show Mnesia table in a Zenity list dialog
03 #-------------------
04 defmodule Show_gpio do
05   def getdata() do
06     result = :mnesia.dirty_match_object({Pi3, :_ ,:_}) |> Enum.sort
07     # create a presentable string for output
08     output = Enum.map(result, fn x -> "#{elem(x,1)} #{elem(x,2)} " end) |> Enum.join
09     feedback = :os.cmd(:"zenity --list --title=Pi3_Table --text='Pin Values' --extra-button Refresh --column=Pin --column=Value #{output}")
10     if ("#{feedback}" =~ "Refresh") do
11       getdata()
12     end
13   end
14 end
15 # Start Mnesia
16 :mnesia.start()
17 # Wait for tables to update
18 :timer.sleep(1000)
19 # Show a Zenity list dialog.
20 # Refresh button to continue, other buttons to quit
21 Show_gpio.getdata()
Figure 9: Elixir script showing Mnesia data.

To test that things are working, use the first project (Zen2gpio.exs) to toggle GPIO pin values; then, the Show_gpio.exs dialog can be refreshed to check the new values.

When the final project is running, you have an example of Elixir concurrency. The Pi3 node is populating a Mnesia table, and it is handling remote GPIO writes and CPU temperature messages.

Final Comments

Elixir with the Erlang VM offers a lot of functionality out of the box. The next steps from here would be to look at messaging between nodes and creating projects with imported Elixir libraries.

The Author

You can investigate more neat projects by Pete Metcalfe and his daughters at https://funprojects.blog.

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