Exploring the RISC-V processor architecture

Quitting Qemu

At the end of the day, shut down RISC-V Ubuntu cleanly in the terminal by typing sudo poweroff. To then exit Qemu, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A,X.

Perfect Match

In addition to Ubuntu, Fedora [6] and Debian [7] also provide prebuilt RISC-V images. The Debian variant we tested, however, did act up a little and did not let us install our favorite editor Vim. Anyway, it's more exciting to use a DIY build instead of a pre-built system image. You can use the Buildroot system builder for this; you'll find a short tutorial online [8].

As you can see, Linux users have no reason to complain about a lack of support for the RISC-V instruction set architecture. This should not come as a surprise: With a smart, modular, open-source design, plus a free license – Linux and RISC-V are a perfect match.

The Author

Eva-Katharina Kunst has been a fan of open source since the early days of Linux. Jürgen Quade, a professor at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, also conducts training courses for companies on the subjects of driver programming and embedded Linux.

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