Wild Dogs


Article from Issue 264/2022

It is easy to write columns on the scary and annoying stuff, which seems to happen every day, but it is perhaps more important to point out the positive things when they happen, and the Ethereum Merge looks like a very positive thing.

Dear Reader,

It is easy to write columns on the scary and annoying stuff, which seems to happen every day, but it is perhaps more important to point out the positive things when they happen, and the Ethereum Merge looks like a very positive thing.

As I have often mentioned in this space, the tech industry has a way of releasing problems on the world that behave a little like invasive species – stirring up lots of trouble because the indigenous environment doesn't have any natural defenses. The motivational speakers call this "disruption" and warrant that it is a very good thing. "We'll fix any problems created by the new tech with other new tech, which we'll invent later," we tell ourselves. To be fair, a little disruption is sometimes helpful, but when the environment these invasive technologies get released into is our real environment (as in, the place where we live), the limitations are less forgiving. Crypto mining is a good example of a technology we unleashed on our environment without any kind of plan.


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