Introducing the Zing zero-packet network utility

Zing Functionality

As Table 2 indicates, the actual functionality of the Zing network utility is contained within the method doZingToHost(), which takes the host parameter and a port parameter to operate upon. The internal implementation uses the host and port multiple times in nested loops. The return parameter of the method doZingToHost() is a double value (the time in milliseconds as a real number).

The method source code for doZingToHost() is shown in Listing 2. (Note that this code is useful as a static library function.)

Listing 2


01 public static double doZingToHost(final String host, final int port) {
03   if(inet_addr == null) {
04     inet_addr = getHostAddrName(host);
05   }//end if
07   try {
08     if(inet_addr.isReachable(timeout)){ //command-line option -timeout
09       System.out.printf(".. Error: Host is unreachable.%n",
10                         host, inet_addr.getHostAddress());
11       System.exit(1);
12     }//end if
13   } catch(Exception _ignore){
14     System.out.printf(".. Error: Host contact timeout.%n",
15                       host, inet_addr.getHostAddress());
16     System.exit(1);
17   }//end try
19   boolean presentFlag = true; //host at socket is present, default is true
20   long socketTimeStart = 0, socketTimeClose = 0, socketTimeTotal = 0;
22   try {
23     socketTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
24     Socket socket = new Socket(host, port);
25     socket.setSoTimeout(timeout);
26     socket.close();
27     socketTimeClose = System.currentTimeMillis();
28   } catch (SocketTimeoutException _ignore){
29       System.out.printf("Timed out after %d ms waiting for host.%n", timeout);
30       presentFlag = false;
31   } catch (Exception _ignore) {
32     presentFlag = false;
33   }//end try
35   if (presentFlag){
36     socketTimeTotal = socketTimeTotal + (socketTimeClose - socketTimeStart);
37   } else {
38     System.out.print(".");
39     return -1.0d;
40   }//end if
42   return (double) socketTimeTotal;
44 }// end doZingToHost

The doZingToHost() logic is fairly simple: Get the host name and address, and check if the host is present, unless there's an error. Zing the host by connecting and disconnecting to the host, while getting the starting and closing time to connect. If the host is present, compute the time in milliseconds as a real number (double value). Return the double value, and if the host is not present, return -1 as a sentinel value.

The core method doZingToHost() is called by the main() method, which will then repeatedly zing the host and accumulate timing information.

Main Core Functionality

The main core functionality of the Zing network utility is simple and consists of the main() method that invokes the doZingToHost() within the parameters given. The main() method, removing the parameter check and initialization, is shown in Listing 3.

Listing 3


01 inet_addr = getHostAddrName(host);
03 System.out.printf("ZING: %s (%s): %d ports used, %d ops per cycle%n",
04                  hostName, hostAddr, ports.length, (limit * ports.length));
06 long timeZingStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
08 for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) {
10   System.out.printf("#%d ", x + 1);
11   double totalTime = 0.0;
12   System.out.print(".");
14   for (int y = 0; y < limit; y++) {
15     for (int port : ports) {
16       totalTime += doZingToHost(host, port);
17     } // end for(port)
18   } // end for(limit)
20   System.out.print(".");
21   double time = getTotalTime(totalTime, ports.length, limit);
22   System.out.print(".");
23   report(time); // time = -1.0d, absent, else active
24 } // end for(count)
26 long timeZingClose = System.currentTimeMillis();
28 //get min, max, avg
29 double min = Double.MAX_VALUE, max = Double.MIN_VALUE, avg = 0.0;
30   for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) {
31     if (min > zingTimeTable[x]) {
32       min = zingTimeTable[x];
33     }//end if
34     if (max < zingTimeTable[x]) {
35       max = zingTimeTable[x];
36     }//end if
37     avg += zingTimeTable[x];
38   }//end for
40 avg = avg / (double) count;
42 double std_dev = stddev(avg, zingTimeTable);
44 System.out.printf("%n--- zing summary for %s/%s ---%n", hostName, hostAddr);
45 System.out.printf("%d total ops used; total time: %d ms%n",
46                  (ports.length * limit * count), (timeZingClose - timeZingStart));
47 System.out.printf("total-time min/avg/max/stddev = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms",
48                   min, avg, max, std_dev);
49 System.out.printf("%n%n");
51 System.exit(0);

The main() method logic is also fairly simple:

  1. Get the Internet address, and check if the host is available and present.
  2. Print command line arguments and parameters used to zing.
  3. Repeatedly loop and zing the host, counting and timing the responses for each port to the limit of the Zing operation.
  4. Calculate the average, the standard deviation, and the minimum and maximum time value to zing a host system.
  5. Report and print overall timing values and metrics in the classic ping style.

There is initially a check for parameters, and if the -h parameter is passed for help to the main() method, the usage() method prints the command line parameter. An example of using help with the Zing network utility is:

java -jar Zing.jar -h
Usage: zing -h | [-4|-6] [-c count] [-op ops] [-p ports] [-t timeout] host
Example: zing -4 -c 4 -op 4 -p 80,443 -t 4000

After reporting the usage for the Zing network utility, the app then terminates. A help-usage command line parameter overrides all other parameters and operation of the Zing network utility.

Order of Operation

The order of operation for the Zing utility begins with processing the command line interface parameters. Any unrecognized or invalid parameters are indicated. If successful, Zing then gets the host as a hostname and address.

Then the method doZingToHost() is called within a loop that iterates over the count, the ops limit, and, for each port, a triple-nested loop. The total time is then accumulated as the three nested loops iterate.

The total time is then calculated by the method getTotalTime(), and then the report() method is used to report or print to the console or terminal a summary of the information determined by the Zing utility.

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