Program a game of bingo with ReportLab and Panda3D for Python

Speak and Reset

The speak section (lines 123, 124) uses os.system to pass a call to the underlying operating system. In this case, it calls espeak to say the name of the tile by passing in the tile text. (See the "eSpeak" box.)

Once the game is over, you need to reset everything so you are ready for the next game. Parallel is similar to Sequence, but here everything happens at the same time (line 127). Then, for every tile in self.calledTiles (line 128), you get its position (line 129), calculate its original position (x minus -17; line 130), and append it to Parallel (line 131). Finally, you add the tile name back to self.tiles so it is available to be called again. Once all of the tiles have been added to Parallel, you start it (line 133) – which makes the movement happen on screen. Next, shuffle self.tiles (line 134) makes sure the tiles are called in a different order in the next game.

Lines 136 and 137 run the program with the bingo instance (line 136) and the call to run (line 137), which starts Panda3D's main loop.


Now that you have the software, it's time to play a game of Bingo! Here's what to do:

  • Run, then open the generated PDF and print a page for each player.
  • Run Once it appears on your screen, press a to start the auto caller.
  • As each number is called, mark it off if it appears on your card.
  • When someone has filled in five spaces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, they yell "bingo!" and press the spacebar on the computer. The player should then announce each of the five tiles marked on their bingo card while the other players make sure they appear on the right side of the screen.
  • If all tiles are on the right side, the player has won! Press r to reset the board and begin another game.
  • If the person who called bingo is not a winner, the player is out and the other players can continue. Pressing a starts calling numbers again where you left off.

I trust the two examples in this article demonstrate how easily both PDFs and 3D data can be visualized with the help of free Python libraries. Now use this new knowledge to format your favorite data in new and exciting ways!

The Author

Scott Sumner has worked in the museum and non-profit industry for most of his professional career. He enjoys exploring technology solutions with Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, Microcontrollers, and Linux systems.

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