Code Care

After all these years in publishing, it is really hard to grab my attention with a random headline, but I have to admit this one caught my eye: "Poor Software Quality Costs the US $2.4 Trillion."
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After all these years in publishing, it is really hard to grab my attention with a random headline, but I have to admit this one caught my eye: "Poor Software Quality Costs the US $2.4 Trillion." At first I thought it was a typo. (I was thinking maybe it should be "Billion" – I had no illusions that it was going to be "Million.") But with further reading, it appears that "Trillion" really was what they had in mind.
All the articles that appeared in the press with some variation of this headline pointed to a report by the Consortium for Information on Software Quality (CISQ) [1]. CISQ is an organization founded by the Object Management Group (OMG) standards development organization and the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Partners include security organizations and consultants, including MITRE and Gartner Group.
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