TV over the Internet with IPTVnator

Traditional audiovisual technology and modern multimedia computer applications continue to converge. In the past, Linux has been behind the other platforms when it comes to streaming free-to-air TV programs, because of a lack of software. IPTVnator is a young project that is trying to close that gap [1].


Conventional broadband reception for television requires additional hardware, such as a receiver for DVB-S, DVB-T, or DVB-C. However, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) [2] lets you view the daily TV program on the Internet without additional components. IPTV programming has a number of advantages over broadband offerings. Viewers can access the entire range of content offered without a fixed connection and without special receivers.

In addition to public broadcasters, users have the choice of numerous small regional stations that you can receive over the Internet from anywhere in the world. Modular channel lists let you view channels from other countries and continents. Bandwidths of around 4Mbps are already sufficient for standard-definition (SDTV) reception of TV broadcasts via IPTV. But to view programs in high-definition (HDTV) quality, you need a bandwidth of at least 8Mbps, which is within the range of many modern DSL lines. The IPTV software used on the PC relies on buffering to ensure continuous reception even in the event of bandwidth fluctuations.


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