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On the DVD

Article from Issue 272/2023

Xubuntu 23.04 and Fedora Workstation 38

Xubuntu 23.04


Xubuntu 23.04, codenamed Lunar Lobster, is the latest version of the Ubuntu flavor that uses Xfce 4.18 as its default desktop. It will be supported until January 2024. Like all Xubuntu releases, this release is ideal for those prefer a middleweight desktop that does not skimp on features.

Traditionally, Ubuntu's short-term releases do not include many major improvements, and Lunar Lobster is no exception. However, it still has several innovations that are worth checking out. To start with, it is the first version of Xubuntu to use PipeWire and WirePlumber, which together offer improved sound and sound management. The default terminal font is now 10 points, up from nine, a small but noticeable gain for easy reading. In addition, the image now includes Xubuntu Minimal for those who prefer to control the contents of their installation rather than rely on default curated applications.

With Xfce 4.18 also comes a series of other tweaks. As usual, many are to the Thunar file manager, such as an image preview, an editable toolbar and custom highlighting of selected files, and undo/redo support for a larger number of operations. The desktop in general includes numerous small tweaks, as well as improved Wayland support.

Fedora Workstation 38

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