Who's Driving?


Article from Issue 272/2023

I happen to be writing this column on a day when the US Senate is conducting hearings on artificial intelligence (AI) and, specifically, whether a need exists for greater regulation.

Dear Reader,

I happen to be writing this column on a day when the US Senate is conducting hearings on artificial intelligence (AI) and, specifically, whether a need exists for greater regulation. One of the people testifying is Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. CEOs of companies that are about to be the subject of regulation often come to Congress with dire warnings about how bad further regulation will be for their businesses. Is it refreshing, or is it alarming, that Altman is taking a different view and calling for more government oversight?

Altman says that his worst fear is that AI "could cause significant harm to the world," adding "If this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong" [1]. Who better to warn us about these potential consequences than an industry insider who is directly involved with developing and marketing the technology? And yet, Altman is not a whistle-blower who is resigning because of his misgivings. He is one of the guys who is making it happen, and he isn't saying he wants to stop. He is just saying he wants government to set up some rules.


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