Linux Voice Introduction
Linux Voice Introduction
This month in Linux Voice and Elvie.
The free tools of the Linux environment bring the power of the professional down to everyday users. Experts pay hundreds of dollars for sophisticated photo editing tools, but in Linux, the answer is only a download away. RawTherapee is a tool for processing raw photo data. Before a photo gets to be a JPEG image, it is in a raw form that consists of data dumped from the camera's sensors. The camera itself "interprets" that data to make a JPEG or other image form. But what if you want to interpret it differently? A raw image processor starts with the image data in its most fundamental form, letting you transform the image in ways that aren't possible with an ordinary photo editor. In this month's Linux Voice, we introduce you to the RawTherapee image processor. Also inside: We take a walk with fdupes, a simple tool that helps you find duplicate files and directories.
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