Accessing ChatGPT from the desktop or the Linux command line

Smart Assistant

Article from Issue 276/2023

Do you think ChatGPT only works in your web browser? You can also access the global chat phenomenon from your desktop – or even from the Linux command line.

ChatGPT [1] is a chatbot developed by OpenAI [2] based on a large language model (LLM). You can have conversations with it, get answers to your questions, or let it write texts or code. With some guidance, the answers are quite useful. However, always keep in mind that ChatGPT lacks understanding: it is purely based on statistical patterns. Therefore, it's essential to critically evaluate the answers.

To begin using ChatGPT on the web, you need to create an OpenAI account. You can sign up by entering your email address and creating a password, or you can log in with a Google, Microsoft, or Apple account. Additionally, you will need to provide your name and mobile phone number, and you will need to answer questions about your intended use of OpenAI's services.

It's important to note that ChatGPT is still a prototype and access to the free version is not guaranteed. The website (Figure 1) often experiences high traffic, resulting in occasional messages asking that you try again later. Furthermore, the free version does not offer the latest version of the language model.


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