Dig up Photos Buried in Emails with Lost Photos Found

Productivity Sauce
If you've been using an email account for a few years, chances are it has plenty of photos buried among thousands of sent and received emails -- photos that you might not even remember are there. It's not unthinkable that at some point, you'd want to pull all the photos languishing up in the cloud to your machine. And when this day comes, you'll need the Lost Photos Found script which automatically sieves through messages on an IMAP email account and downloads all found photos and images.
To make use of this nifty script, clone the project's GitHub repository using the git clone https://github.com/caio1982/Lost-Photos-Found.git command. Next, install the required packages by running the following commands as root:
pip install imapclient pip install chardet
In the terminal switch to the cloned repository, and run the ./lpf.py command. Open then the ~/.LostPhotosFound/config file in a text editor, and configure the required settings. Run the ./lpf.py command again, and the script does the rest.
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