Email Articles with Fetch
Productivity Sauce
Services like Pocket and Framabag offer a convenient way of saving articles, but a Fetch provides a different way of saving stories for later perusal. Send a link to a special email address, and the application duly sends you a distilled text from the provided page. To use the hosted version of the application, email the link you want to your own address with CC to Naturally, you can use Fetch not only to save articles for personal use, but also send them to other recipients. Obviously, Fetch won't replace a dedicated readt-it-later service, but it can come in handy when you need to save or share an article for reading later with a minimum of fuss. The application's source code is available on GitHub, so theoretically you can host Fetch on your own server. However, the supplied meagre documentation doesn't offer any clues on how to install Fetch.
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