Generate a Static Blog in Seconds with blogpy

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Jul 24, 2013 GMT
Dmitri Popov

Static site and blog generators are all the rage nowadays, and understandably so. With a static generator, you can author articles in your favorite text editor using a lighweight markup, and you can serve your blog even on modest hardware. Also, you don't have to spend time on installing, configuring, maintaining, and learning a full-blown CMS. The latter is especially true if you opt for something like blogpy, a super simple static blog generator written in Python. Although blogpy lacks the bells and whistles of more advanced static generators, it's perfectly suitable for maintaining a no-frills blog.

Before you install blogpy, make sure that Python 2.7 and the python-markdown package are installed on your system. Deploying blogpy is as easy as cloning the project's GitHub repository. Once you've done that, modify the file and add blog articles to the md directory (the supplied hello file shows how to properly format articles). Run then the python command and upload the contents of the site directory to your server. That's all there is to it.

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