Installing 3.0

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Oct 13, 2008 GMT
Dmitri Popov

Want to install the latest and greatest version of on your Linux machine? First of all, use the official list of mirrors to locate the download server closest to you. Download then the latest version for your Linux distro. For example, if you want to install 3.0 on Ubuntu, or any other Debian-based distro such as Sidux, download the OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz package. In the terminal, use the following commands to unpack the downloaded archive and install on your machine:

tar -xvf OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz 

cd OOO300_m9_native_packed-1_en-US.9358 

cd DEBS 

sudo dpkg -i *.deb 

cd desktop-integration 

sudo dpkg -i openoffice.org3.0-debian-menus_3.0-9354_all.deb

Better yet, you can use the following Bash script to automate the entire download and installation process:



tar -xvf OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz

cd OOO300_m9_native_packed-1_en-US.9358


sudo dpkg -i *.deb

cd desktop-integration

sudo dpkg -i openoffice.org3.0-debian-menus_3.0-9354_all.deb

Note that the script uses a mirror located in Germany, and you might want to change it to another one closer to you. Save the script as .sh file and run it the terminal. Installing on a RPM-based distro like Mandriva or Fedora is also equally easy:


tar -xvf OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US.tar.gz 

cd OOO300_m9_native_packed-1_en-US.9358 

cd RPMS 


rpm -i *.rpm 

cd desktop-integration 

rpm -i openoffice.org3.0-mandriva-menus-3.0-9354.noarch.rpm

And if you want to install on your ASUS Eee PC netbook, you can use this script:


echo "This script dowloads and installs 3.0" 

read -p "Press Enter to continue..." 


tar -xvf OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz 

cd OOO300_m9_native_packed-1_en-US.9358 

cd DEBS 

dpkg -i *.deb 

sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice.org3/program/swriter /usr/bin/ 

sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice.org3/program/scalc /usr/bin/ 

sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice.org3/program/simpress /usr/bin/ 

sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice.org3/program/sbase /usr/bin/ 

sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice /usr/bin/ 

sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice.org3/program/smath /usr/bin/ 

sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice.org3/program/sdraw /usr/bin/ 

cd desktop-integration 

dpkg -i openoffice.org3.0-debian-menus_3.0-9354_all.deb 

sudo cp /opt/xandros/share/AsusLauncher/simpleui.rc.bak /opt/xandros/share/AsusLauncher/simpleui.rc 

sudo sed -i 's/shortcut=\"ooo-writer.desktop\"/extraargs=\"\/usr\/bin\/swriter\"/g' /opt/xandros/share/AsusLauncher/simpleui.rc 

sudo sed -i 's/shortcut=\"ooo-calc.desktop\"/extraargs=\"\/usr\/bin\/scalc\"/g' /opt/xandros/share/AsusLauncher/simpleui.rc 

sudo sed -i 's/shortcut=\"ooo-impress.desktop\"/extraargs=\"\/usr\/bin\/simpress\"/g' /opt/xandros/share/AsusLauncher/simpleui.rc 

echo "All done!" 

read -p "Press Enter to exit the script..." 

exit 0


  • It doesn't work!!

    I'm really sorry, I've been trying for some considerable time to use and enjoy Linux, but it just doesn't do it. Everything needs a variable which only available after searching through loads of good thinking people who are all trying to help but...... I've got my eeePC, I'll keep it Linux but won't bother ever trying to update or change anything. I agree an alternative to 'Windows' is required, but I'm afraid Linux has a huge job ahead if it wants to be IT.
  • Getting Openoffice3 mentu options

    Thanks for getting open office 3 menu option over open office 2.3.
    Redhat enterprise 5 will allow you to install open office 3 over 2.4 But to get these, uninstall 2.3 first and than go to RPMS/desktop-integration/openoffice for redhat.

  • OOo v3 for eee pc 701

    to dimitri popov, i'm novice in linux ; i use linux since i got eee pc. First, thanks 4 your tutor to install OOo v3 on eee pc.
    i followed your instruction (2008, oct 13th) on linuxpromagazine. it's alright until i arrived

    sudo dpkg -i openoffice.org3.0-debian-menus_3.0-9379_all.deb

    (Note "3.0-9379" it's 4 the french version)

    eeepc answers :
    dpkg : error of treatment ("erreur de traitement" in french)
    cannot access to archiv : no file of this type ("ne peut accéder à l'archive : aucun fichier ou répertoir de ce type" in french)
    errors while execution

    i already unload the old version OOo v2.0

  • 'Error: Conflicts with the installed package ''


    "I've just installed OOO 3.0 on Ubuntu 8.10. I could uninstall the 2.4 version succesfully (using Add/Remove). The ooo3 has been installed succesfully, but i'm having problems with the desktop integration deb. The package manager says: 'Error: Conflicts with the installed package '' ".

    I am sure by now you have solved your problem, if you haven't: the reason for your error is that Add/Remove did not remove all of OpenOffice 2.4, Look for in Synaptic and remove (you'll also find a few other leftover OOo 2.4 packages).

  • Installing OpenOffice 3.0 on Mandriva 2008 Spring


    Thanks so much for the script. Only one small glitch. It ran up to the point where it calls for root privileges and then goes into a new shell after log in.

    I removed the line "su" in the original script and ran the whole thing as root with immediate and stunning success.

    The next problem was to start the program. Since I had the install path from the script, I went to the proper location to see what I could see - no nice .exe-file that simply begs "click me." But, the first file I tried "soffice" did the trick. Just blind luck, I guess.

    Next, I right clicked on the desktop to install a new icon (works in Windows so why not try it). Once again, I was able to find my way through without much trouble.

    I am certainly grateful to the people who put in thousands of hours of volunteer time to give us OpenOffice 3.0 for free, but why did they not elect to go the whole ten yards and provide one click installation (or update from 2.4) with a desk icon and a menu entry? It can be done as I discovered when installing the Opera browser.

    I love Linux for all the right reasons, but I hesitate to recommend it to my friends who have trouble enough with Windows.

    - drblock
  • Thank You!

    This has been causing me problems for a while. I wanted the latest version, but kept coming up with a number of silly errors, but your instructions helped me.

    I just wanted to say thanks for a detailed and successful tutorial.
  • Installing OpenOffice 3.0 on eeePC

    Being a complete novice on Linux, I tried to write a script file in VI, but failed totally to create a file in the first place. How can I take the printed script and create an executable file? I also found that the German site told me that the OpenOffice file could not be found - this was by trying to do a straight download.
  • Your instruction was very useful!

    After I removed old version, I performed the following Bash script to automate the entire download and installation process. Finally! I installed 3.0 on ubuntu 8.10. Thank you and more power.
  • Open Office 3.0

    I think given the usefulness of the Open Office suite that an easier and more transparent way to install the 3.o version or replace an older version with the new 3.0 version.

    Newbies would have a big issue with this.

    IMHO the way new programs are loaded, updated and added to menus still needs some work.

    This is one area where Windows wins hands down for newbies.

  • I couldn't install the desktop-integration package on Ubuntu 8.10

    I don't use Ubuntu, so I can't really help you. But you might want to ask your question on Ubuntu Forums (

    Kind regards,
  • I couldn't install the desktop-integration package on Ubuntu 8.10

    I've just installed OOO 3.0 on Ubuntu 8.10. I could uninstall the 2.4 version succesfully (using Add/Remove). The ooo3 has been installed succesfully, but i'm having problems with the desktop integration deb. The package manager says: 'Error: Conflicts with the installed package '' ". I also tried to install it from command line via dpkg - the same result. Any ideas what to do??? I can't start ooo applications because i don't have shortcuts sad. However I know that they can be started from command line, but I'd prefer to have them on my desktop...
  • On eeePC it doesn't work

    I get a segmentation error each time when I try to launch the program, even by typing


  • Installing 3.0 on Xubuntu


    It works fine. I installed 3.0 on Xubuntu 8.04, and entries were added to the Applications menu.
  • Installation on Xubuntu


    I would like to know if the desktop integration part work under Xubuntu too.

    Nice tutorial.
  • Installing 3.0

    @Martin Comeau

    Try to uninstall older version of first and then reinstall 3.0. Alternatively, you should be able to launch 3.0 by running the following command in the terminal:



    I have no idea. Try to re-download and install again.
  • missing .DEB file

    I tried the debian version (for ubuntu 7.10) and it seems that the file
    ooobasis3.0-images.....deb is missing from the archive.
    Any idea where to find just this missing deb?
    dpkg -i *.deb does not complete successfully...
  • And how about lauching it???

    Thans so much for this useful post!!! Now that it's install, how I can lauch the application??? When I use my Applications menu, I still get 2.4 sad

    Thank you!

    Martin Comeau
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