Integrate Déjà Dup with Dolphin

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Jan 14, 2014 GMT
Dmitri Popov

If you happen to use the excellent Déjà Dup backup tool on KDE, you'll appreciate a simple hack by Pascal d'Hermilly that integrates the utility into the Dolphin file manager. Using a simple technique, you can add two commands to the Actions context menu which can be used to revert a specific file to an earlier version and restore missing files in a directory. To add the latter command, create the dejadup_restore_missing.desktop file in the ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus directory (if the ServiceMenus folder doesn't exist, add it manually). Open the file in a text editor and add the following service menu definition to it:

[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Action DejaDupRestoreMissingFiles]
Name=Restore missing files
Exec=deja-dup --restore-missing "%U"

To add the command that reverts the currently selected file to a previous version, create the ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/dejadup_revert.desktop file with the following service menu definition:

[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Action DejaDupRestoreFile]
Name=Revert to previous version
Exec=deja-dup --restore "%U"

Restart Dolphin, right-click on a file, select the Actions menu from the context menu, and you should see the newly-added Restore missing files and Revert to previous version commands.

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