Keep an Eye on Your Server with phpSysInfo

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Nov 10, 2011 GMT
Dmitri Popov

Running a server on a local network opens a whole new world of possibilities. You can access your files and documents from multiple machines, stream media, host your own photo gallery or blog, and much more. This also means that you have to monitor your server to make sure it runs smoothly. There are quite a few server monitoring solutions out there, but most of them are overkill for keeping an eye on a single personal server. Enter phpSysInfo, a simple yet powerful script that displays essential system information in an easy-to-digest manner. The best part is that it requires virtually no configuration, and it can be deployed on your server in a matter of minutes. Grab the latest release of the software from the project's website, unpack the downloaded archive, rename the file in the resulting directory to config.php and upload the entire phpsysinfo directory to your server. Point then the browser to (replace with the actual IP address or host name of your server) and you should see phpSysInfo in all its beauty.

The default phpSysInfo configuration displays all key information, but you can easily add more data points by editing the config.php file. All options available there contain brief but informative descriptions, so enabling and configuring the desired entries is easy. For example, to enable one or several bundled plugins edit the define('PSI_PLUGINS', false); line as in the example below:

define('PSI_PLUGINS', 'PS');

phpSysInfo doesn't offer the flexibility or feature set of more advanced server monitoring solutions. But if you only want to be able to keep an eye on your personal server with a minimum of fuss, phpSysInfo is the perfect tool for the job.


  • PhPSysInfo

    I ran a sudo apt-get install on Ubuntu server and got it installed in /var/www but there was no config.php file to amend and serverIP/phpsysinfo yielded nothing useful (it's a Drupal box; I got a Drupal page).
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