Receive Large Files with Droopy

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Nov 24, 2008 GMT
Dmitri Popov

Droopy is a simple Web server which does only one thing: it allows users to upload files to your computer. Useless, right? Wrong. When you need to receive a large file or document, Droopy can really prove its worth. Sure, others can send you a file using one of the many services or utilities that allow you to send large files, but why bother if you can just fire up Droopy and let them upload the file directly to your machine? To make Droopy work on your computer, make sure that you have Python installed on your system, download the droopy script, and make it executable using the chmod +x droopy command. That's it. In the terminal, switch to the directory with the droopy script, and start the server using the to ./droopy command. Point then your browser to http://localhost:8000, and you should see Droopy's default page. If you want to add text or an image to the page, you can do so using the -m and -p options:

./droopy -m "Upload your files here." -p ~/robot.png

You can view other available options using the ./droopy --help command.
Once Droopy is up and running, you can send your IP address to the person who wants to send a file to you. But what if you don't know your IP? Ask Droopy by clicking the Discover the address of this page link on Droopy's default page.


  • Droopy , unable to use it.

    i am unable to use droopy as everything goes well with code and when i run it in geany, terminal opens with droopy logo and giving me the localhost:8000 port, but when i forward it to my friends to test it they aren't able to use it as the page doesn't load.
    I am using linux ubuntu 11.10 and my friends were using windows at that time. so could this be a problem.
    Please help me if you have the answer to this querry, Thanks.
  • 2large2email

    It all seems abit complicated and confusing. Why not use <a href="">2Large2Email</a>? It's easy.
  • RSS feed problem

    Hi Ed,

    Thanks for the detailed report. I sent it to our editor, so the problem should be fixed soon. Also, I fixed the "droppy" typo. happy

    Kind regards,
  • Please feel free to delete earlier comment after fixing

    Forgot to mention in my earlier comment, but: please feel free to delete my previous comment mentioning RSS feed problems and typo in article code, and this one, too, after the issues have been fixed. They don't really contribute opinions or useful information, but are more a request for fixes happy

    (Edgar D'Souza, edgar.b.dsouza at
  • RSS feed problem

    The URLs in your RSS feed
    seem to have only a single slash after http-colon, instead of double slash? When viewing your feed in Google Reader, if I click a feed item's title to view the page, I get a _Google_ 404 error, saying: The page - - does not exist. (I wanted to read the page on Droopy).

    As advised in Google Reader help, I submitted the URL to your RSS feed to and they say it is broken "line 9, column 232: link must be a full and valid URL: http:/ (10 occurrences)"
    Note the single slash after http-colon. See for the full details.

    I simply removed from my browser's address bar to arrive at the actual page, but some of your (potential) readers won't do that; they'll just go elsewhere. I'll soon get fed up and do likewise, unsubbing from your otherwise good feed, if I have to go through extra work every time I want to read an article from your feed. Please fix the error. Thanks in advance.

    Also (a separate, small issue): the code block in the article mentions "./droppy" instead of "./droopy". Since the article mentions "(D|d)roopy several times, I think this is a typo. Please check and fix.

    (Edgar D'Souza, edgar.b.dsouza at
  • Droopy

    I've used Droopy and the similar script WOOF (web offer one file) and think they are great for simplifying transfering large files with people that aren't great at computers. It gets a thumbs up from me.

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