Save Snippets in Pygmynote with the Script
Productivity Sauce
As you might already know, I use a home-made Python script called Pygmynote to keep tabs on all kinds of data: from text snippets and links, to tasks and deadlines. Usually, I enter data in Pygmynote manually, but there are situations when having the ability to just push a text selection or link to Pygmynote's SQLite database can come in rather handy. So I wrote a simple Python script that does just that.
#!/usr/bin/env python import pygtk, gtk, wx import sqlite3 as sqlite pygtk.require('2.0') DB = 'pygmynote.db' conn = sqlite.connect(DB) cursor = conn.cursor() def escapechar(sel): sel=sel.replace("\'", "\''") sel=sel.replace("\"", "\\\"") return sel clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get() snip = clipboard.wait_for_text() app = wx.PySimpleApp() tags = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, "Tags:","Add Tags", "", style=wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) if tags.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: notetags = tags.GetValue() tags.Destroy() notetext = escapechar(snip) notedue = "" notetype = "A" sqlquery = \ "INSERT INTO notes (note, due, tags, type) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"\ % (notetext, notedue, notetags, notetype) cursor.execute(sqlquery) conn.commit() message = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Snip saved. All done!", "Done", wx.OK) message.ShowModal() message.Destroy()
The code uses the PyGTK library to create a dialog window and message boxes. The way the script works is pretty straightforward. First it establishes a connection to the database and grabs the contents of the clipboard. The script then prompts you to specify tags for the snippet, and creates a record in the database. That's all there is to it. I assigned a keyboard shortcut to the script to make it easily accessible. You can grab the latest release of Pygmynote and the script from the project's GitHub repository.
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