Save Web Pages as Ebooks with Instapaper

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Oct 28, 2010 GMT
Dmitri Popov

Instapaper is a simple but genuinely useful service that lets you save Web Pages for later reading. While the service itself is not exactly brimming with features, it does have one nifty function which most ebook readers will appreciate: Instapaper allows you to convert the saved Web pages into nicely formatted ebook files in the ePub or Kindle format. Using this feature is as easy as clicking on the ePub or Kindle link, but before you do that, you might want to organize the saved pages into folders. For example, if you want to create an ebook file containing all Linux- and Open Source-related saved pages, create a separate folder and move these pages into it. Switch then to the folder, and click on either the ePub or Kindle link to generate an ebook in the desired format. Save then the created file on the hard disk, and copy it to an ebook reader device or read it on your machine using one of many available ebook reader applications. And if you own a Kindle, you can use the excellent Calibre ebook manager to send the created file to your device wirelessly.

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