Stream Internet Radio with Radiotray

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Sep 20, 2010 GMT
Dmitri Popov

Since popular music players like Rhythmbox and Amarok support Internet radio streaming, why would anyone need a tool like Radiotray? For two reasons: 1) It's light on resources, 2) It doesn't stand in your way. Radiotray sits in the Gnome panel and lets you quickly switch between your favorite radio stations.

Radiotray supports notifications, so it displays the name of the currently played song. In addition to that, Radiotray supports most popular playlist formats, including PLS, M3U, ASX, WAX, and WVX. You can add as many radio stations as you like, and you can use the available tools to organize and sort the entries. The application is available as a source package and as a Ubuntu binary package. So if you're running Ubuntu, installing Radiotray is a matter of a few mouse clicks.

Radiotray is not overloaded with features, but if you are looking for a simple radio streaming utility that doesn't stand in your way, this tiny tool is right up your alley.

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