Whip Up Websites with HTML KickStart

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Oct 21, 2013 GMT
Dmitri Popov

Building even a simple website requires not only time, but also some design skills. Those of us who are short on both will appreciate HMTL KickStart, a simple solution based on HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for rapid development of websites. This package comes with everything you need: from a basic page template to a variety of web elements like buttons, navigation menus, message boxes, tabs, and other goodies. Using the provided elements as building blocks, anyone with modest web skills can quickly deploy nice-looking and functional websites.

Being relatively simple, HTML KickStart is easy to master. Download the package from the project's website, unpack it, and move the files in the resulting directory to the root of your web server. Open then the elements.html page in the browser and see and study the examples. You can then use the supplied example.html page as a starting point for your website. It took me only a couple of hours to build my personal website using HTML KickStart.

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