git-sh: Bash Environment for Git Work

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Mar 20, 2014 GMT
Dmitri Popov

If you spend a lot of time running Git commands in the terminal, you might appreciate git-sh, a set of customizations that transform the Bash shell into an environment for working with Git. Installing git-sh is super easy, and it can be done using the following commands:

git clone git://
cd git-sh
make install

Note that the last command must be run as root. To start the customized shell, run the git-sh command. Use the help command to view a list of the supported Git commands. When you switch to an existing repository, git-sh conveniently shows the current branch in the prompt. git-sh essentially lets you run all key Git commands without prefixing them with git. For example, to run the fetch and merge actions, use the pull origin master command instead of git pull origin master. By the way, if you want to add a dash of color to the environment, you can do so by running the git config --global auto command.

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