Book Review: Front End Drupal
ROSE Blog: Rikki's Open Source Exchange
This week I received my review copy of Front End Drupal: Designing, Theming, Scripting (Developer's Library), by Emma Jane Hogbin and Konstantin Käfer. Because I'm a realist, I won't wait to post my review of this book – it took me weeks to set aside the time to write and post an article about a talk I gave in February, so reading Front End Drupal and putting together a coherent review could take me longer than it took the authors to write the book. Instead, I'll stick with the spirit of my blog and link to a review written by Addison Berry, one of the authors of Using Drupal .
As a side note: Emma Jane Hogbin is one of the people I met not long after I wrote about her on this blog (insert sounds of horns tooting here). That was more than a year ago and led to a working relationship (Emma's written several articles for us, including a DrupalCon report coming out in our June 2009 issue) as well as a friendship. Ok, I tooted Addison, Emma, and Konstantin's horns, as well as my own horn, I suppose. How many more can I squeeze into one blog post? Here's another one: Check out Lisa Hoover's follow up to my blog post earlier this week, Women in Tech: Are We Our Own Worst Enemy?
review of Front End Drupal
reviews, time and linking love