Most Influential People in Open Source (and women, too!)

Rikki Endsley

ROSE Blog: Rikki's Open Source Exchange

Oct 27, 2009 GMT
Rikki Kite

MindTouch released a list of Most Influential People in Open Source, and despite rereading the list several times, I'm not seeing any women on it.

More than 50 votes from "industry insiders" determined who would make this list of influential people (specifically, men). I'm not sure who the insiders are – were you one of them? If not, who would you name as some of the Most Influential People in Open Source? And would any of the people who make it on your list be women-type-people? (According to the MindTouch rules, you can't pick someone in your own company!)


  • agreed

    Alison, I agree that Mitchell is one of many great women in open source who could have been on this list.
  • open source most influential

    The omission of Mitchell Baker seems most notable.
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