SCALE 8x: Women in Open Source schedule
ROSE Blog: Rikki's Open Source Exchange
The SCALE 8x schedule is finalized, including the Women in Open Source conference sessions. The WIOS conference will be a nice mix of talks, introductions, and interactions. At the end of the day, Danese Cooper will lead a session on how to give Ignite talks, which is then followed by time set aside for Ignite talks.
I'm excited that my talk was selected for the conference:
Pretty in Print: 10 Tips for Getting Published
Would you like to see more female authors online or in the printed pages of your favorite tech magazine? Whether you want to write for fun, to impress your parents, or to rev up your resume, you'll learn some practical tips for intriguing editors, ironing out your writing wrinkles, and polishing your prose for print.
This morning I dropped a note to a few publishing professionals and asked them to send me their tips for getting published. I thought it would be helpful to get advice from some open source writing pros to make sure I include solid, practical tips for both online and print. I was afraid I'd give a bunch of advice that only works for getting published in Linux New Media publications, but I'm pleased to see the responses I've received from other writers and editors are inline with what we look for here.
Let me know if you have writing or publishing questions I should answer in my talk, or if you have tips and suggestions I should be sure to include. Just leave a comment here or email me at rkite AT linuxpromagazine DOT com.
See you at SCALE!
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