CeBIT 2017: The Open Source Forum
CeBIT 2017: Open Source Forum Call for Papers
CeBIT is the largest international computer expo, concentrating on the state of the art in information technology. CeBIT 2017 takes place March 20-24 in Hanover, Germany.
The Open Source Forum has been one of CeBIT’s most popular lecture platforms for years, according to visitor surveys. In about 60 presentations, the visitor learns everything worth knowing about open source, Linux, and free software. The 2017 theme day is planned around “Cloud/OpenStack.”
The Call for Papers seeks practitioners who report on their experiences in the development and use of free software. In addition to cloud, virtualization, and OpenStack topics, the focus is on the Internet of Things (IoT), embedded systems, system administration, and automation. Your presentation, including a question and answer session, should be in German or English and last between 20 and 40 minutes.
Interested parties should contact the organizers using the online form, or you may email with a brief description of the talk and a cell phone number. An international jury of open source experts will determine the allocation of lecture slots. A few slots are reserved for sponsors of the open source forum (contact:
In the Open Source Park adjacent to the forum, small and medium-sized companies present Linux and open source solutions to business concerns (contact:
The Open Source Forum takes place at CeBIT on March 20-24. Computec Media GmbH accepts proposals for lectures through January 15, 2017. Visit us in Hall 3 at booth D35.
Sponsors of CeBIT Open Source Forum 2017 are c.a.p.e. IT, Tuxedo Computers, and Versatio Software.