Dynebolic 2.5: Multimedia Distribution with Privacy Enhancement
The Dynebolic distribution project specifically caters for multimedia and creativity needs. One new features offered by the latest version 2.5 is support for Firewire audio cards. ntfs-3g now supports write operations on Windows partitions.
It is easier to mount private directories (nests) on USB sticks; users can simply double click the directory after plugging in the stick to mount. New software packages include the VoIP program Ekiga (formerly Gnome Meeting), the Guarddog Firewall configuration GUI and the Wireshark network analysis tool, formerly Ethereal. The text console has a new mail setup with programs such as Mutt, Msmtp, Fetchmail, Procmail and Spamassasin, and also the text based TPP presentations program and the Rtorrent download client. Software such as FreeJ or Gimp, and libraries such as Gtk, Cairo or Wx have been updated. The complete system is licensed under GPLv3 and is available in the form of a bootable Live CD (ISO Image 692 MByte) under Downloads on the project homepage.
By artists for artists: Dynebolic wallpaper.
In March, the project introduced a new Xfce 4.4 desktop environment to Version 2.4, adding the ability to create directories for encrypted data. SHA256 is used for encryption. The distributors also offer a collection of text and video files with talks on encryption technology.