Faster Aptitude 0.5.2

Apr 27, 2009

Debian's Daniel Burrows has released a new version of the Aptitude standard package manager that ratchets up performance of the dependency solver, among other things.

Burrows has been working for a while on the performance issue of the Aptitude dependency solver and was showing some progress the beginning of March.

daniel@emurlahn:~/programming/aptitude/post-lenny$ time /usr/bin/aptitude -sy safe-upgrade | tail --lines 3
real 0m46.016s
user 0m41.639s
sys 0m0.172s

daniel@emurlahn:~/programming/aptitude/post-lenny$ time ./src/aptitude -sy safe-upgrade | tail --lines 3
real 0m5.336s
user 0m4.096s
sys 0m0.136s

The newly accelerated solver is now one of the features of Aptitude 0.5.2.

Burrows also wrote a new graphical frontend for the resolver. A complete list of the Aptitude 0.5.2 changes are in the product release notes.

The new Aptitude is in Debian's experimental branch and alternatively available for download at the Debian packages site. Burrows warns in the release notes that the software is still an unstable development release to be enjoyed with the usual caution.

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